wonderfully made: thoughts on motherhood | another sappy post

Monday, May 11, 2015

thoughts on motherhood | another sappy post

With the combination of Mother's day, our progress on the nursery, hearing the tales of new moms and reorganizing our closets (and thus hanging up lots of tiny baby boy clothes), I'm finding myself in a new state of pregnant mommy blissfulness. This is one of the first times in my pregnancy that I've felt anxious and yearning for the birth of this sweet thing inside me. I'm starting to picture his face and the little things he'll do. I'm getting excited to share that bond with my baby that only occurs in the wee hours of feeding time. I can't wait to hold him and hug him and kiss him outside of my body! During church on Sunday he was rolling around (as he often does) and at the first feeling of movement, my mind just thought "I love you!" instantly, without thinking. It's amazing how this baby is bringing all of the "feels" out of me, and we're just starting this journey. I'm going to love being a mom. I can't wait!

Enough of the sap, now onto the celebration! I loved the opportunity to spend time with my mom and to honor and celebrate and think on all of the moms in my life on Sunday. Thank you for all that you do! I'm about to have my eyes opened to everything it takes to do 'the hardest job on earth'. Love to you all!

We had Pioneer Woman's meatloaf...if you haven't tried it, find the recipe on my 'tried and true' Pinterest board and make it NOW. I never liked meatloaf until I had this one, and it's heaven! (just have lots of time to cook it because it takes longer than the instructions say)

Happy belated Mother's day to all of the moms out there and happy Monday to the rest of us!

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