wonderfully made: a BIG year!

Monday, January 4, 2016

a BIG year!

2015 was a BIG year for us! We paid off our debt at the beginning of the year, announced a pregnancy, I resigned from my job, and we had a baby! I loved writing here and making new friends in the blog community. Here are some of my top posts of 2015:


wrapping it up | I need mama input!!!

I polled my fellow smart mamas on some options for babywearing. I got SO much input on whether to go structured or wrap and I ended up using both!


This sad post was me pouring my heart out after learning about Beau's genetic condition, hemihypertrophy. It was therapeutic to me and so, so encouraging to hear feedback and support from friends and family after sharing this personal part of my life.


With much anticipation, I revealed the nursery I put together for Beau. I still love sitting in his nursery and look forward to sharing all of the changes that come as he ages!


After lots of hard work, Mark and I paid off our debt at the beginning of the year. Being debt free was a big part of our decision for me to stay home with  Beau and we are so happy to be debt free!


diaper bag essentials


My biggest post this year was this sponsored post for Snickers. Along with being a stay at home mom, I have been putting more focus into other ways of making money. Blogging, as well as my Etsy shop, serves as my creative outlet and I also get the opportunity to make money in the process. Sponsored posts help me support my family. 


Thank you for reading and following in 2015, I can't wait to see what 2016 brings!

dmariebuchanan@gmail.com Image Map

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